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Drawing & Coloring

Daily Kindergarten Curriculum

We love seeing all of your amazing work that you are doing at home! Please know that it is not expected for you to post your child's work, it is your choice to or not. Feel free to reach out privately to your child's teacher through their school board email if you have any questions or wish to share your child's work.  

Mrs. Piitz - 
Ms. Perin -
Mrs. Latour -

Mrs. Lawlor MacDonald -


Each day your kindergarten team will be posting activities to support your child's learning at home. The activities will encompass the four main areas of the Ontario Full Day Kindergarten programming: Belonging & Contributing, Self Regulation & Well-Being, Language & Mathematical Behaviour and Problem Solving & Innovation. 


See below. 


Thurs May 21 - Month of Mary

May is the Month of Mary. We as Catholics celebrate Mary because she is Jesus' mother. We believe she is an important figure and, like...

Wednesday May 20

Literacy Today is the last day of our look at Community Helpers, so we found a video that includes many different helpers. Maybe one day...

Tues. May 19

Literacy: Can you guess what community helper we are describing based on these clues? Clue #1: This community helper wears a hard hat...

Friday, May 15

Science Time Objective: To identify plant needs and compare them to human needs Life Science: Animals obtain food they need from plants...

Library Time

Here you have this week's reading:

Indoor Game

Police Officer Equipment: Cleared dining room or kitchen table with chairs One object (i.e.) a stuffie, set of keys Set-up: Choose one...

Thursday May 14, 2020

Literacy We see many different people helping out in our community each day. Postal workers are an important part of our community as...


Good morning, Here is a little collage we have put together to show you (the parents) and your little ones how much we are thinking about...

Wednesday May 13

Literacy Today we are going to be talking about firefighters. You can follow along as Pete the Cat takes you to visit a firehouse....

Tues. May 12

For the next little while the kindergarten team will be teaching your children about community helpers! What better time then now to...

Mon.May 11

Signs of Springs Spring is everywhere! Although our weather hasn’t felt like spring every day, if you look around you will signs of...

Sneaky Sounds

As we continue the journey of learning from home, we believe it is important to share some of the Jolly Phonics letter blends/digraphs...

Library Time

Here is a book from Jory John dedicated to our moms and caregivers.

Mother's Day Craft

Mother’s Day Lily Materials White Paper Pencil Scissors Straw or Pipe Cleaner or Twig or wood skewer Scotch Tape Directions Trace your...

Friday, May 8th

Health with Mrs. Chenier Get Outside, Stay Outside - Fire Safety Lesson #2 A home fire drill is a time for a family to practise their...

Thursday May 7, 2020

With Mother's Day approaching we are thinking of all the really special women in our lives. You probably have a woman in your life that...

Wednesday May 6

Literacy When you think of butterflies, what do you think of? Have you ever felt sad/discouraged like the people in the story? We are...

Tues. May 5

Literacy: Have you ever heard of a love jar? Today you are going to be creating a love jar for someone special in your life. With...

Mon. May 4

Creepy Crawlers With the warm and wet weather of spring, have you noticed that many insects are beginning to come out? Have you seen any...

Catholic Education Week May 4 - 8

This week we celebrate Catholic Education Week and this year our focus is 'Igniting Hope'. To support home and school prayers and...

St. Catherine of Siena
FDK Team


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