For the next little while the kindergarten team will be teaching your children about community helpers! What better time then now to learn all about heroes across our community. Today's community helper focus is.... veterinarians!
Do you know what a veterinarian is? Do you know how they help the community? Listen to the story ‘Paula the Vet’ by clicking here:
Do you remember how Paula the vet helped the cat in the story? How about the rabbit? Without veterinarians and their special skills our pets could remain sick for a long time. Veterinarians are heroes!
Game time! Find some stuffed animals or animal toys in your house and give them to your parents or older sibling. Have them put a sticker or Band-Aid on a body part of your stuffed animal. You will be the vet and they will be your patients. You are going to look at the body part that they put the sticker or Band-aid on and come up with a reason that part of their body is not well and come up with a solution of how to fix it.
After this game, choose one of your animals that you fixed and write about it. Your sentence starter can be… “I fixed a _____________ by….” JK parents can assist with the writing. SK students can try their best to sound out the words. Remember, even if you can’t spell the word, it is important that you try your best by sounding the word out slowly. :)

Keep your stuffed animals and/or animal toys out because you will be measuring them! First, find an object to measure them with (e.g. apple, bottle cap, crayon). If you chose an apple as your measuring tool then you will be finding out how many apples long your animals are. Parents, please make a chart with 3 columns for your child (Animal Name, Estimate, Measurement). Students will record the animal they are measuring, how many “apples” long they think it will be, and how many it actually is. Students are encouraged to measure at least 8 animals. Good luck!

Patrick - our real dog was a ⭐️ :)