Signs of Springs
Spring is everywhere! Although our weather hasn’t felt like spring every day, if you look around you will signs of spring such as flowers sprouting, bumble bees flying near flowers or birds chirping.
Part of reading and writing is being able to use pictures to show your ideas. So today you are going to mix reading and art. Below you will find a list of words that have to do with spring. Your first step is to read the words; look at the letters and think about the sounds to help! Parents you can support any way you need to! After you read them, draw a picture for each of them. See example below.
Words: bee, duck, sun, bird, bug, mud, nest, frog, worm, flower

Have you seen a bar graph before? It is when you use columns to show how many of something you have.
Today you are going to make a bar chart to see how many signs of spring are in this picture. You can print the provided bar graph to out to fill in, or you can draw one at home. Then count each type of insect in the picture and colour in your bar graph.
Example: If you counted 3 birds, you could colour in 3 squares in the bird column. If you counted 5 bees, you would colour in 5 squares in the bee column.

Ellyauna had fun! Colored it in after
Naomie’s literacy for today