Literacy: Have you ever heard of a love jar? Today you are going to be creating a love jar for someone special in your life. With Mother’s Day approaching, you may wish to choose a special lady in your life like your mom, grandma, aunt, etc. Or you may wish to give your love jar to your dad or your sister or brother. It’s completely up to you who you give your love jar to! This is how a love jar works:
1. Find a jar (if you don’t have a jar you can substitute it for a container or a cup) 2. Brainstorm what you love about the person you are giving your love jar too (e.g. maybe you love that they make you laugh or that they cook you good food) 3. You are going to make or find items to put in your love jar that reflect why you love the person you chose. The goal is to put 10 things in the jar (this can include drawings, words, and items)
Drawings (You could draw a pizza to symbolize that the person you love makes the best pizza or you could draw a picture of them giving you a hug because they give the best hugs)
Words (You can write words on pieces of paper that describe the person you love, such as: kind, fun, happy, etc.)
Items (You can find items outdoors that remind you of the person you love like a beautiful flower may remind you how beautiful the person you chose is or a cool rock you find may symbolize how cool that person is to you)
4. Once your jar has 10 things in it you can decorate your jar if you would like. 5. Lastly, give your love jar to the person that you love and tell them why you chose each thing in the jar as they are looking at them. :)
Extension Activity: Create a journal entry about why you chose one particular item you put in your jar. Your sentence starter can be “I chose ___________ because.…”. JK parents can assist with the writing. Everyone should try to sound out their words as best as they can. A picture of your item should also be included within the journal entry.

Time for a shape hunt! You are going to create a list of the shapes shown below (JK parents may need to assist with a highlighter). If you see any shapes in your house other than the ones listed then by all means you may add those as well. Before you start spotting shapes that are inside your house, make predictions on which shape you think you will find the most of and which shape you think you will find the least of. Make sure you have a close look when spotting out shapes especially squares and rectangles as squares will have the same length sides and rectangles will have 2 sides that are longer. Some ideas of items that are shapes include: your dishwasher, front door, clock, TV, and picture frames. Write the total number of items you find beside each shape. If you want, you can even ask your parents to time you! Good luck :)

Catholic Education Reflection: As Catholics, we put our faith in God and it’s our belief in him and in his presence which surrounds us that gives us hope. We love God with all our hearts and we love the many blessings he has given us. How do you think hope and love work together? Can you think of a time in your life that you experienced these two things together?