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Wednesday April 29


Two weeks ago, one of the literacy activities involved the first six letters of Jolly Phonics. Today we are going to do another activity with these letters.

s a t i p n

JK Task

Using newspapers/flyers and/or magazines, find and cut out these six letters. See if you can find 3 of each. Then see if can come up with three different words or names of places/people or foods you like/dislike etc., for each letter. Each time you find one, tell the adult who is working with you, the sound the letter makes.

SK Task

Using only these six letters and some help from an older brother or sister or an adult, try to come up with as many one-letter, two-letter, three-letter or four-letter words as you can. Try printing out as many words as you can on paper.


Numbers are everywhere. As a family, track all the times you use numbers in a day. Go on a “Number Walk” around your house and try to find all the places where there are numbers. Try your best to find at least seven items.

If your family goes for a walk or drive try playing this game. One family member chooses a number (e.g. between 1-10). The first person who sees that number gets one point. Look for numbers on houses, license plates, signs or billboards etc. An older sibling or adult can keep a tally of the players’ scores. Have fun!



St. Catherine of Siena
FDK Team

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