Today you are going to really think about plants and how you would describe them. You can start by listening to this read aloud video of the story: Plants Can’t Sit Still by Rebecca Hirsch. Here is the link: Think about all of the things that the story mentioned about what plants can do. Now, go outside and take a look at the plants in your yard or in your neighbourhood. What parts of the plant do you see? How would you describe the plants you see?
Today you are going to fill in the chart attached about plants as best as you can.
Plants can… (e.g. grow)
Plants have… (e.g. leaves)
Plants are… (e.g. pretty)
Parents, you can assist with the writing/spelling if your child needs help with it. We look forward to reading how each student views the plants they see.

Today you are going to create a castle using 3D shapes! First, watch this fun video to hear all about the different 3D shapes:
Your mission is to find these shapes around your house and use them to build an awesome castle. Some examples of these shapes around your house could be: soup cans (making sure they have dull edges), small boxes for cubes or rectangular prisms, pylons, pots, containers, bowls, cups etc. You may also find these 3D shapes if you search your toy room or even your recycling bin! We hope you have fun making your own 3D castle. We can’t wait to see your magnificent creations!

Naomie - “Plants are beautiful.” 🌺
Bennett- Plants can’t sit still