Wiggly Worms
Why did the earthworm cross the playground? To get to the other mud slide! That’s right, worms love mud and water! Have you ever found a worm? Did you find it in a garden? Or in a puddle? Or just wiggling around?
Before you begin, take a look at the pictures below of all different types of worms. Part of learning how to read, is to look at pictures and talk about what you see in the illustrations. So look carefully and talk to a family member about what is in the pictures. What colours do you see? What type of worm do you think it is? Where do you think the worm is?

Imagine you were a worm; you can be any type, any colour and any size. Try your best to draw the type of worm that you would be on a piece of paper. You can also colour it. Remember, it is not going to look exactly like the pictures, it is your creation! Once you are done, try this writing:
JK – Write one word that describes the type of worm you would be, examples: long, skinny, red. As always, parents you can write it and have them copy it or write it with marker/highlighter and have them trace it.
SK – Write a simple sentence explain the type of worm you would be. Here is a sentence structure to help, “I would be a ______ worm.”
Do you remember making a tally chart about types of insects a few weeks ago? Today you are going to take the next step in making tally charts. You are going to collect the information.
You are going to make a tally chart to see which type of insect found in a garden your family members would rather be. You can print the provided one to fill in or draw your own. Once you have done that, take your chart with you and go around and ask your family members what insect they would rather be: a worm, an ant or bumble bee. Remember to record each of their answers down as you ask them so you don’t forget! After, take a look at the results and see which insect was chosen the most? The least? Were any equal?

Our tally chart didn’t work out well as we have four members in our family and each of us picked a different insect. Baby brother was supposed to be the tiebreaker but he was too little to choose an insect and couldn’t decide :) So instead, we found some online worksheets working with time and TH words. We also read the book “How Many?” on Raz Kids. Naomie was upset that she couldn’t share her tally chart because it didn’t really work out but she wanted to show you her other work that she had completed today.