Bugs, bugs, bugs!
To start off the week with a smile, here is a joke. Who always comes to a picnic but is never invited? Think about it…. ants! Bugs, also known as insects, are very unique creatures and we can find them all around us at this time of year.
You are going to write an acrostic poem today about your favourite insect. Here is a funny song that can give you some ideas of types of insects, even though it is a cartoon!
Now choose your favourite insect and write it vertically down a piece of paper. Talk with a family member to brainstorm words/phrases that go with this insect, then write them on the lines that begin with same letter. See the example below.
JK – Parents, you can write the words\phrases down and have them trace them, or you can write the words and have your child draw a picture to go with each.
SK – Try to sound out the words that you are using in your poem by thinking about what sound you hear at the beginning, middle and end of the word. Of course, you can get some help with tricky words!

Today you are going practice your skills on reading and understanding a graph. Below you will see a simple pictogram that shows the favourite insects of teachers. First, take a careful look at the graph and think about what you see. Then answer the questions below, be sure to use the information in the graph!

1. What bug was liked the most?
2. Which bug was like the least?
3. How many teachers liked spiders?
4. How many teachers liked butterflies?
5. Can you figure out how many teachers were asked altogether?
6. What bug would you choose as your favourite? Why do you like that insect?
7. If you added your answer to the pictograph, how would the graph change?