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Home Safety with Ms. Chenier

We are going to be learning about fire safety over the coming weeks. Today, we will learn that smoke alarms are very important and remind ourselves that things can be hot/can burn or not hot.

1) Parents: Please find things in your home that make a noise (vacuum, microwave, tv, toy, etc.). Take a tour of your home with your child. When you get to an item you have chosen that makes sound, ask your child "Is this the sound of a smoke alarm?" Move to other items, then eventually to the smoke alarms.

2) Please have your child find the smoke alarms in your home (there should be 1 per floor)

3) With your child present, please activate each alarm and practise everyone going outside to a chosen spot when they hear this sound. This is a good time to remind children that they should not take anything with them / ensure all family members and pets are together and moving outside.

4) If you have battery operated smoke alarms and haven't changed the batteries recently, please do this with your child present.

5) Please have your child locate 5 things in your home that can be hot/can burn you, and 5 things that are not hot.

6) Talk about hot things like lighters, matches, stoves, bbq's, etc. and how only a grownup should touch these things.


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We did assigned work ( Ms.Chenier’s activity ) and other work we found online to keep our minds busy . Naomie wanted to share all of it :) Such a proud girl ! The first 2 pictures are of the safety assignment - Oven , Electrical cords / outlets, microwave, BBQ, Hot water and fire 🔥!


St. Catherine of Siena
FDK Team

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