Letter Scavenger Hunt - Continued

Use the Following link to review the songs for the first 6 Jolly Phonics letters, then sing the following 6 letters. (All of the students are familiar with these songs)
1 - Say or print CK, E, H, R, M, D
2 - Start looking for objects that begin with each letter
3 - If you can not find an object you can draw a picture
4 - When you say the word of your object what sounds do you hear? Write what you
Have fun! Remember to return all the objects to where you found them when you are done.
Optional Extensions: Use the letters to create words. You can add these letters to those you already know (S, A, T, I, P, N) to create even more words!
Math - Which one doesn’t belong?
Look at the following image. Choose which one does not belong with the group. Talk about why you made the choice you did. (Parents, there is no wrong answer with this game. The only goal is explaining the choice. Once your child has explained you might choose one that doesn’t belong and tell your child why. This will spark a discussion, you may find your child will have a reason for every one not to belong.)

Optional Extension: Create your own grouping for a “Which One Doesn’t Belong?” game.
A cookie 🍪 an elephant 🐘 a house 🏠 a tv remote , M&M candies and a dish :) Naomie was hard at work with her sounds and letters !