Letter Scavenger Hunt
Using the first 6 letters from Jolly Phonics (S,A,T,P,I,N) we are going to have some fun looking around our homes to find objects that begin with each letter.
1 - Say or print S, A, T, P, I, N
2 - Start looking for objects that begin with each letter
3 - If you can not find an object you can draw a picture
4 - When you say the word of your object what sounds do you hear? Write what you

Have fun! Remember to return all the objects to where you found them when you are done.
Optional Extensions: Use the letters to create words and use the words or objects you have found to create sentences.
Use the Following link to sing the songs for the first 6 Jolly Phonics letters
Number Line 1-10
Have your child place numbers in the correct order from 1-10 using a number line and a deck of cards (or cards you have created), See the example.

7 Up - Some students were learning this just before March Break.
1- remove all the face cards from a deck of cards.
2 - review with your child that the Ace represents the number 1.
3- place 7 cards face up
4- have your child put together pairs of cards that create 10 e.g. 7 and 3, 5 and 5 etc.
5- as your child creates pairs deal out cards to fill the holes. If there is no way to make 10 just deal a card on top of another card. As your child gets better at making 10 you can add in competition with a second player and see who can make pairs quickest.

Students will use a wide variety of ways to make their pairs - just knowing 5 + 5 = 10, counting each number out, seeing 6 then counting 7,8,9,10 to make 6+4=10 - all of these are part of the learning process.
A, AT and IN :)