Easter Journal
Think about how the Easter Bunny delivered Easter treats to children around the world. Think about what you would do if you were the Easter Bunny. Think about how you would deliver Easter candy to children. Think about what the Easter Bunny might eat for breakfast before delivering all those treats.
Your job today is to do a journal page. The SKs could try to print a simple sentence and then draw a picture. The JKs could think of a sentence/idea and have an adult print it out and then copy it underneath or trace over it with a marker or crayon. You could begin your sentence with – “If I was the Easter Bunny I would.....” or be creative and come up with a sentence on your own. Have fun!

Tallying the things you see outside.
Look out your window or go for a walk with your family. (If you go for a walk, remember to be safe and stay 2 metres away from other people). Make a list of things you see, like birds, trees, cars, squirrels or people. You can try writing the words or ask an adult or big brother/sister to do it for you. Keep track of how many of each you see by making tally marks next to each thing on your list. Once you are done, count the tally marks and write the number.
Questions to think about:
What thing did you see the most of?
What thing did you see the fewest of?
What two things (or three) things did you see the same number of?
Extension Idea
Using the data you collected (tally marks), you could make a graph to show your findings.

We all enjoyed doing the scavenger hunt together, we are going to try this again with items we would see fewer of so its easier for Easton to count up and do the graph for :) thank you for this idea. Has helped makes our daily walks more interesting for the kiddos!
Naomie had fun on her mini math walk today around our home outside 🌳🏠
Cody’s sonic helicopter...